The African Association for Rhetoric
in collaboration with the
United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya,
Announces its 9th biennial Conference
July 22-24 2020
United States International University - Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
Call for Papers
In the milieu that saw most African nations receive their independence from colonial powers, Africa’s freedom fighters fashioned out certain visions and character of leadership for Africa. Successive generations of African leaderships, both at individual state levels and the agglomeration of heads of states and governments under the aegis of the African Union have neither strictly aligned themselves to this vision nor embraced the quality of leadership that was envisioned in Africa’s transition to independence. Therefore, the post colony has been riddled with what Achille Mbembe has characterized as the grotesque and the obscene.
Africa in the 21st Century still faces numerous challenges. Some of these are connected to how individual countries confront demands of neo-colonisation, impacts of economic fluctuation in the north, violent political upheavals, digitization and post truth media challenges, globalization and global warming, corruption and unrealized Millennium Development Goals, Africa Relations with the West, and the perennial question of African citizenship. The tragedy of Africa’s public domain is the disjunction between rhetorical utterances of the leaders and the actual implementation.
This interdisciplinary conference seeks the participation of interested Professionals and scholars in African Politics, Political Communication, Diplomacy and International Relations, Rhetoric, NGO practitioners, International Criminal Court, Business and management studies and graduate students whose project intersect with Africa as a subject.
Sub themes:
We invite papers and research articles in any of the following or related topics:
Beyond Colonialism: Towards (Re)constructing a new Africa
Contemporary Media Rhetoric in Africa
Rhetoric and the Decolonization of educational curricula in Africa
Decolonizing Africa’s Political Rhetoric
Imaging Africa: Reframing and Resisting Global Media’s Representation of Africa
Africa’s Public Policy: From Speech to Action
Rhetoric of African Agency: Citizenship and Ethics of participation
Rhetorical Leadership and transformation in Africa
Reinventing Africa through creative and Performing Arts
Rhetorical Transformation of Africa’s Electoral process
Africa in the Cinemas
Costs and Benefits: Africa as a site of prosperity
Language, Representation and the (Re)invention of Africa
Abstract Submission Deadline:
31st March 2022
Abstract Acceptance Notification
30th April 2022
Conference Registration opens:
Opens - 1st May, 2022
Graduate Pre-conference Workshop:
18-19 July 2022
Conference Dates:
20nd – 22th July 2022
Registration Fees:
Conference registration US $250
Students’ Registration - US $150
Daily rates – US $100
Daily rates for students – US $70
(Includes Conference package, teas and lunch)
Director of Conference: Dr Rachel Diang’a
United States International University-Africa, Nairobi Kenya,
Dr Segun Ige
Chair, AAR Steering Committee
Dr Omedi Ochieng
Denison University